Every company is becoming a media company…

Every company is becoming a media company…

“Every company is a media company because every company publishes to its customers, its staff, its neighbors, its communities.  It doesn’t matter if a company makes diapers or steel girders, it must also be a media company and know how to use all the media...
Time To Start Taking The Internet Seriously

Time To Start Taking The Internet Seriously

“In short: it’s time to think about the Internet instead of just letting it happen.” Gelernter writes: The Internet is no topic like cellphones or videogame platforms or artificial intelligence; it’s a topic like education. It’s that big. Therefore beware: to become a...
Why HTML5 Isn’t Going to Save the Internet

Why HTML5 Isn’t Going to Save the Internet

Gizmodo explains: “The beardier parts of the web-o-sphere have been abuzz about HTML5, the next version of the language that powers our internet. Will it revolutionize web apps? Will it kill Flash video? Will it fix our gimpy iPads? Yes… and no.”...